Print Melalui USB Stik

Dalam Program Layar Sentuh terbaru (V2.5034), kami merilis fitur baru “Mencetak 3D melalui USB”. Pengguna dapat menyimpan file Tiertime TSK pada drive USB stick, membawa drive ke printer Tiertime 3D yang kompatibel, dan mencetak file TSK secara langsung tanpa perlu menggunakan UP Studio pada perangkat apa pun. Apa itu file TSK? File TSK adalah file…
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June 2, 2020 0

Metode Kalibrasi 9-Titik UP Box 3D Printer

Nine-point calibration (Kalibrasi sembilan titik) – umumnya dikenal sebagai software-assisted manual calibration (kalibrasi manual berbantuan perangkat lunak) – bertujuan untuk membantu Anda dalam mengkalibrasi printer untuk kinerja optimal melalui penyesuaian perangkat lunak. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghasilkan kualitas cetak sebaik mungkin dan memungkinkan pelepasan support dan raft structures (struktur rakit) dengan mudah. Dari tiga metode kalibrasi…
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May 28, 2020 0

Dr. David Honey’s Socially-distanced 3D Denture

The challenges of operating a dental practice in 2020 are unprecedented. With many offices closed to all but emergency patients, many clinicians are taking advantage of this opportunity to get educated on new technology. Recently, Dr. David Honey demonstrated just how valuable that technology can be, when he leveraged his SprintRay 3D printer to deliver…
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May 18, 2020 0

Design of Custom Accessories for a Diesel Engine

THE COMPANY EMI Conception is a small business specialised in making custom‐made accessories for heavy duty machinery. No two projects are the same for them and they need to adapt to different customer machines and requirements. They were traditionally taking measurements by hand and working by simple trial and error until their accessories were a…
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May 5, 2020 0

Set Up Extrusion Width, Change Print Quality.

I believe that sooner or later you will encounter such problem, there are small gaps in the surface of the prints, even if it does not affect anything, but people obsessive about details will not be comfortable seeing these “defects”. So how to improve the print surface quality? One answer is to adjust the “line…
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April 21, 2020 0

Beberapa Pertimbangan Desain Untuk Pencetakan 3D?

Yang terpenting untuk diperhatikan saat mendesain untuk mencetak 3D adalah desain digital harus dapat dicetak. Di dunia digital, setiap desain dimungkinkan tetapi tidak semuanya dapat dicetak 3D. Gambar proyeksi pencetakan 3D sejak diluncurkan adalah pencetakan 3D yang dapat mencetak apa pun yang tidak dapat diproduksi oleh pencetakan tradisional. Ya, pencetakan 3D memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan…
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March 24, 2020 0

The Next Big Thing in Digital Dentistry

In-office dental 3D printing helps improve the efficiency of forward-thinking practices all over the world. By leveraging existing technologies that exist in digital dentistry, 3D printing enables better responsiveness to patient needs, significantly reduces manufacturing times, and opens up new treatment options. With low operating costs, minimal maintenance, and user-friendly design, SprintRay products make it…
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March 9, 2020 0

SprintRay Printers Used for Special Procedure at NYU Dental School

When doctors Elena Chachik DDS, Farhad Vahidi DMD, MSD, FACP, and Paul Zhivago DDS were faced with the rare patient presentation of a 15-year-old girl with amelogenesis imperfecta, they turned to CAD/CAM for an innovative treatment solution. Drawing on many years of experience, they tackled this case at the NYU Jonathan and Maxine Ferencz Advanced Education…
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February 17, 2020 0

Students and teachers and Bungara Alternative School have found the UP BOX+ and UP Mini 2 an excellent gateway to be introduced to 3D printing.

The students at Bungara Alternative School were tasked with creating and printing something from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, including Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber and an Imperial Shuttle. After printing the models, they were given a paint job to give it an authentic, worn and battered look.The supervising teacher notes that the auto-pause function of the…
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January 14, 2020 0

Printed Endodontic Guides with Dr. David Kelliny

Dr. David Kelliny has been performing endodontic surgery for a long time. As a Clinical Assistant Professor of endodontics at USC, he’s seen it all. But when he heard found out about SprintRay 3D printers, things changed. Now, printed endodontic guides allowed him to provide guided root canal surgery without waiting for a lab to…
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December 18, 2019 0