Dr. David Kelliny has just published an article in DentalCompare that highlights why 3D printing is a perfect fit for dentistry. Dr. Kelliny specializes in some of the newest dental technology: 3D printed surgical drill guides. We could spend all day telling you why SprintRay 3D printers are perfect for dental clinics and labs, but we think Dr. Kelliny put it best:
Guided surgery, commonly accepted as a better experience for both patient and doctor, can be undertaken at a fraction of the cost, as the surgical guides can be 3D printed in around a half-hour at a fraction of the materials cost that a lab would charge. Patients who might otherwise have to undergo unguided surgery can now opt for affordable guided surgery, bringing them treatment options that could otherwise be outside of their budget.

3D Printing: The Newest Dental Technology
Expanded care options at a lower cost is a win-win. For Dr. Kelliny’s patients, it means enjoying significantly reduced surgery times for implants and root canals. Adding a SprintRay 3D printer to your dental workflow means more than buying a gadget. It’s a long-term investment in the health of your practice. The flexibility that it affords clinics both in increased speed and reduced material costs is undeniable.
3D printing can add vitality to all types of practice. Prosthodontists can print monolithic try-in dentures and denture bases. Orthodontists can fabricate occlusal guards and indirect bonding trays. If you want to be involved in the newest dental technology, adding a 3D printer to your digital workflow is the way to get there.